Keep Calm and Quarantine On!
Stay home, they say. We need to reduce the curve and stop this COVID-19 virus from spreading. Use this time home with your family and loved ones to recharge, reconnect, and tackle new projects…
We are all doing our part to fight this current battle, yet there are so many unknowns and questions:
Face masks or no masks?...Gloves, no gloves?... Bring your own grocery bags? Don't bring your own bags! …Take Ibuprofen? …Should I gargle with salt water? …Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer instead? …Don't touch your face!... When will this end!?
The data and information are overwhelming, to the point that you just want to throw up your gloved hands in the air and completely shut down. But we need to continue living and thriving. This may be our current reality and “new normal”, at least for the next few months, but life cannot stand still. We need to keep going on as a society and adapt (and trust the government and medical professionals to do their part!)
So, what can we do in the meantime? A LOT! In my daily work as a recruiter, I’ve had to quickly adapt and learn to work smarter. So here are some words of wisdom from a professional who is working at home and trying to make things happen-more than ever: