Hobson Associates


Your Top Virtual Job Interview Tips (Including How to Nail the First Impression)

Zoom Video Conferencing (or Skype, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams..the options are endless)..Before the pandemic, some people had never heard of or used Zoom. Consider it the new normal now. This part of the candidate interview process is not going to go away any time soon, and will likely be here to stay.

We’re still living in a pandemic. But the hiring must go on—fingers crossed—which means many of us will be subjected to virtual job interviews. It’s just one more aspect of remote work, right? Wrong. On the contrary, an interview conducted via video call requires just as much effort as an in-person one, if not more, especially if you want your virtual “conversation” to go smoothly. We asked a handful of experts to share their advice for the best ways to prep.

Check out what the people at the website PureWow said on the topic:


Your Essential New Hire Checklist [Infographic]

Hiring a new employee is an exciting time for both employee and manager. The first few days and weeks on the job are an essential part of the introductory period. Yet, a poor onboarding experience can ruin a new job for any employee.

As their manager, it is your responsibility to ensure their first impression is a positive one. It’s important they settle in well and overcome any initial hurdles of a new workplace and a new environment as quickly as possible in order to begin adding value to your team and organization.

FACT: Nearly 33% of new hires look for a new job within their first six months on the job.

How can you prevent this from happening and ensure you’re giving your new employee what they need?


An Attitude of Gratitude in the Workplace

In my recruiting practice- one of the first questions I ask a candidate is why they are looking for a new job or are open to new opportunities...

The #1 answer, in one form or another, is that they currently feel underappreciated.

As we reflect on the last year (crazy to think it has been a whole year since we were told “10 days of quarantine would flatten the curve”)- let’s remember to thank our employees.  A few words of appreciation will go a long way. The pandemic has been hard on everyone- emotionally, socially, economically- but I marvel at people’s continued perseverance.

To that end, I wanted to take the opportunity to to shift our focus from the negative to appreciating what is positive. So, take a moment to stop, say 'thank you' and read the top 5 benefits of gratitude in the workplace I recently came across…


Attract and Retain Talent With Wellness

It’s no secret that the wellness industry is booming. Today’s society is more focused on “living their best lives” than ever… As wellness and company culture continue to be a hot topic for several reasons, more and more employers are actively trying to stand out as “healthy companies”.

Is your company looking to improve the health of your workers? The answer should be a loud YES. Any good manager should be considering the well-being of their employees.

But what if there was a way to do this which also gives your company an edge in recruiting?


Why Teamwork? Why Now?

What is the actual definition of “teamwork”? The French language has a beautiful expression to describe it: “esprit de corps”. This means a sense of common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and a strong regard for the honor of the group.

Teamwork has always been in my DNA, as my mother has always said to me: “Diana, there is no “I” in team!” I believe in the importance and benefits of connecting with others more than ever- as life has become so uncertain, shifting, and ever-changing.

Here are some reasons why a teamwork mindset is more important than ever:


Keep Calm and Quarantine On!

Stay home, they say. We need to reduce the curve and stop this COVID-19 virus from spreading. Use this time home with your family and loved ones to recharge, reconnect, and tackle new projects…

We are all doing our part to fight this current battle, yet there are so many unknowns and questions:

Face masks or no masks?...Gloves, no gloves?... Bring your own grocery bags? Don't bring your own bags! …Take Ibuprofen? …Should I gargle with salt water? …Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer instead? …Don't touch your face!... When will this end!?

The data and information are overwhelming, to the point that you just want to throw up your gloved hands in the air and completely shut down. But we need to continue living and thriving. This may be our current reality and “new normal”, at least for the next few months, but life cannot stand still. We need to keep going on as a society and adapt (and trust the government and medical professionals to do their part!)

So, what can we do in the meantime?  A LOT! In my daily work as a recruiter, I’ve had to quickly adapt and learn to work smarter. So here are some words of wisdom from a professional who is working at home and trying to make things happen-more than ever:


How to Work from Home, the RIGHT Way

If you’re like most people in the world right now, you have had to make the transition from an office setting to your home office/kitchen/bedroom/closet -- like it or not (if you are not, please do so IMMEDIATELY. Let’s flatten that curve!)

As an Insurance Recruiter based in Dallas with my company headquartered in the Northeast, I have been 100% working from home for the last several years-and as a result have become quite efficient at working in a home office setting. But, it wasn’t always that way When I first started working remotely, I thought “this going to be great!” Well guess what? It WASN'T completely great. In fact, working remotely can be quite isolating, as and you are either working non-stop, or are constantly fighting the urge to binge-watch the entire series of “The Office”.

Either way, I’d like to share some words of wisdom on how to make the transition easier: