Hobson Associates


The Night I Drunk Dialed the Candidate Who Took a Counter Offer

You shouldn’t mix. Business with pleasure, dance beats with ballads from the 90s, and definitely not schnapps, mediocre champagne and beer…My colleagues wanted to make me feel better after my candidate took the counter offer. We totally intended to have one drink. But they had half off on shots, Justin bought the first two rounds and that NEVER happens, and they had open mike night and pre-season football, one of which I participated in, it’s kind of fuzzy, and I really, really didn’t want to go home and feel sorry for myself. So I drank way too much. I would like to report that I used Uber, endangered no one and got home responsibly. I would like to report that. I don’t know how I got home. Or where my car is. And I ended up feeling sorry for myself anyway.


Finding Talent with “Good Bones"

I love home improvement shows, especially 'Property Brothers'. Enter: a stressed out family who has outgrown their space and are using their bedroom as a nursery, office and bar. The Property Brothers whisk them off to their dream home, and after many “wows”, “yeses” and “when do we move ins”, they reveal that the house is WAY out of their budget. But, the brothers announce that the potential owners can have everything that is in this house and more…The catch: they need to buy a fixer-upper–a house with “good bones”, which means the foundation is solid. It will require some investment of time and money, but once they’re done, they’ll have their forever home. After visiting numerous dated and run-down homes, the family makes the commitment. After some unexpected issues for dramatic effect, and some paint and throw pillows, the finished project is even nicer than the house that elicited the initial “ooos” and “aaahs”.  Plus, the new owners get to feel the pride of contributing to the finished product.

The same concept applies to attaining talent. Every statistic says that there are not enough people to fill job openings, and employers either need to buy or build their talent. At times, I feel just like the Property Brothers. My clients come to me stressed and needing to find the “unicorn” of employees.


Why I DON'T Hate Cold Calling

My role as BD Consultant at Hobson Associates is to form relationships with new companies as well as renew ties with past clients who have benefitted from our recruiting services. I’ve made hundreds and hundreds of cold phone calls, and I’m still astonished that the individuals I call are extremely eager to hear about how Hobson Associates and I can be a resource to them. And I can also truthfully say that so far only two people have abruptly hung up on me! [That’s OK, when that happens, I go ahead and call their competitors…they usually DON’T hang up!]

Know what else? I must admit that I love cold calling. It is truly a science of its own. There are so many variables to earning a firm’s business, and no mathematical equation can equate a new client. To every problem, there is a solution. During my time at Hobson so far, my takeaways for successful cold-calling are simple:


Great Products Don't Sell Themselves, Great Salespeople Do


Great SaaS products sell themselves.

I call BULL$HIT on that. Sure, you need to start with a great product in order for your company or startup to get off the ground. But, you will also need phenomenal salespeople to reach and appeal to buyers who won’t be swayed by just product features.

Sales, along with Marketing, are there to show prospects just how innovative your SaaS product truly is, and why it’s worth paying for. The best sales reps do this with ease — however they’re not the majority. And of course, as a sales leader, you’re always looking to spot these top sales reps who can take your company to the next level.

So who are they? The product evangelists of the world. Those who can “sell ice to Eskimos”. As a software sales recruiter who talks with talented (and sometimes not-so-talented) people every day, let me tell you what I’ve seen…


4 Things You Need to Know When Interviewing for a Tech Sales Job

So, you’ve decided to make the leap and start interviewing for a new sales job with a tech company or start-up... We’ve got tips to get you from square one to job interview to offer, courtesy of siliconrepublic.com

Do your research

Hiring managers and recruiters can tell within just a few seconds who did their homework before an interview and who didn’t. That’s why, to get ahead of other candidates in the interview process, you need to do more than a quick Google search.

So, beyond reading a company’s mission statement, some things to consider: have you read any customer case studies? Are there free tools you could sign up for? Did you search for product reviews online? Digging into more resources will make you more prepared and it won’t go unnoticed.


Hiring Tug of War

The poet William Blake wrote, “Without contraries, there is no progression.”  This quote rings very true to my day-to-day work-life, as the job market shifts from the last decade’s client driven position, to a candidate-centric environment.

The job market is a very different place than it was 10 years ago, when the bottom fell out of the housing market and Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers disintegrated; ushering in the highest unemployment rates seen in a couple of generations. That era was a very dark time in the world of recruiting, when only the best and the strongest recruiters survived.

When the eventual recovery set in a few years later, finding a workable “hot” job was still very difficult.  As the laws of supply and demand would dictate, this allowed companies to be extremely choosy in the candidates they chose to interview, the recruiters they chose to work with, and with their contractual terms for agencies.

The situation is very different in 2017. The job market is roaring at, or close to, full structural employment. The BLS reported in April that the unemployment rate for candidates with professional degrees is 1.6%. The pendulum has swung to the other side, and I find that companies are struggling with some of the realities of this shift.


9 Rules for No Excuse Business Traveling

I have published two books – one just hit bookstores – and have had several plays produced. I fly for a living, so most of that writing has been done on planes and in hotels.

I knew I was in danger. Biz traveling is exhausting. If I didn’t write while I traveled, 20 years would go by in a blink and I’d be “that guy” – the guy with the novel, essay, memoir in his head that never actually got written down, let alone published.

You have as much time as any other traveler. We all get 24 hours each day. Here are my rules for no excuse business traveling:


Latest Trends That Are Shaping Workplaces

Fashion and technology are constantly evolving, and so is the workplace. In the past, fluorescent-lit rows of cubicles  implemented to save costs in an era when workers had no choice but to work at the office  have been replaced by a new generation of tele-able employees, young hires are looking for a workplace experience that is engaging and encourage the flexibility and movability that they had during college. 

Past common office layouts gave each employee his or her individual workspace, whether it was a cubicle or a standalone office. In the new millennium, the trend moved toward open-concept workplaces, with everyone working in an open space and sometimes even at one giant common table. In recent years, more businesses have been reverting to individual workspaces or a mix of common spaces and individual spaces to remedy the productivity concerns of putting everyone in the same room.

 According to Glassdoor, here are the latest trends that are shaping workplaces.


Hiring: The More Human Way

As a technology recruiter, I have found that many of my clients rely so heavily on screening and assessment tools that they are doing themselves something of a disservice. You see, as great as modern hiring tools are, do you ever stop and wonder if they are taking the humanity out of the hiring process, causing you to lose out on great untapped talent?

Although there are the obvious boxes to be checked relative to training, aptitude, and skills for any position—there are some things you can do to instantly improve your interview process and hire kick-ass talent...the more human way: