Hobson Associates


All Lies Matter

If I had the proverbial dollar for every time a candidate’s defense to my question about a, let’s call it “mistruth”, on their resume was “Because a recruiter told me to” I could by a pair of Louboutins.  And who are these recruiters?  Coaching candidates to omit, embellish, or outright fabricate on a resume is a fireable offense in my office.

My team and I review close to 500 resumes weekly and with a survey from CareerBuilder of more than 2,500 hiring managers finding that 56% have caught job candidates lying on their resume, we’re potentially reading more fiction than I did in my Freshman Intro to American Lit class. While I’ve spent my career in Executive Recruiting learning much about human behavior while guiding people through the major stress of job change, this pervasive attitude that it’s ok to be less than truthful on a resume still leaves me shaking my head.


What’s in a Fee? Me!

What is included in your fee?” …

This is a question I have been running up against lately from prospective clients. 

 …“I don’t know your company. Why should I work with you over the other million recruiting agencies out there?” 

Well, quite honestly it’s a matter of preference, I answer.  All recruitment agencies can find you talent, some get lucky at times, and we may even all fish in the same candidate pond. So what does make my fee different from the others?


Showing Off

I recently I decided to take myself out of the comfort zone and make an appearance at a Pharmaceutical trade show. You're probably thinking, “Yes! He gets to leave the office, travel, face-time with clients and candidates…” What’s so tough about that?

As great as it is to get out there and “schmooze”, I must say that trade shows are lots of work and preparation- involving marketing calls, setting up meetings, and making reservations. Then comes the actual appearance at the show. 



Unless you are a tennis aficionado, you probably have never heard of Nick Kyrgios.

But you know him. You might have been him. Or maybe you manage him. Or God help you, maybe you are in a relationship with him.

Nick is a 21 year old freak of nature from Australia. Perhaps the most physically gifted athlete in tennis history. A long, lean frame (tennis players are now the size of NBA point guards), more quick twitch fiber than Verizon, a lively serving arm that fires 140 mph offerings and backs them up with a wristy, explosive forehand that leaves audiences gasping and broadcasters at a loss for words.


Guilt, Pie and Opportunities

This is the time of the year when many of us are getting ready for the Holidays. First up, Thanksgiving: A time to take stock of all that we have to be grateful for, before letting loose with the credit cards. We bow our heads in shame as our religious leaders remind us that a few of us will start our day trudging to the local watering hole to compete for drinking “water” with beasties, which can’t be said for most of the world’s population.  We feel a little guilty for taking some of the most basic things like food and shelter for granted.