Hobson Associates


You Don’t Have to Change the World, Just Touch It!

Finally, graduation day has arrived. What a relief for the students who no longer have to attend early morning classes or pull all-night study sessions. For the parents, grandparents and others, the last tuition payment has long since been sent (or the student loan payments have yet to begin), and everyone is stress-free once and for all … right? Not so fast. Does he or she have a job? Will the new graduate be moving back home, and for how long?!


Happy Job, Happy Life!

I am not one to share a lot about my personal life online, but I recently found the topic of reflecting, researching, and planning to be very relevant. You see, my lovely fiancé and I are currently in the stages of wedding planning! And given what I do for a living, I could not help and see parallels between planning a job change and planning a nuptial celebration. Both are HUGE life steps, and both require making important decisions … If you are considering making a job change (and/or planning a wedding-- I don’t suggest you do both at the same time!!), check out the following high-level steps to take:


Trust the Person, Not the Recruiter!

Staying on the topic of my previous post: I’m still naïve, and I’m still a millennial – but I’ve picked up a few things over the last few months. One of them is that the world revolves around TRUST … We trust our doctors with our lives, our accountants with our money, and you all (well, most of you) trust us recruiters to put you into the right career. So I’m going to challenge all you candidates and companies out there to this simple question:Doesn’t it make sense to treat me, the recruiter, the same as you do your doctor or accountant?


INBOX, SENT, DELETED: The Art of Selling via Email

Every day a gazillion emails are sent and received. Most senders are people trying to advance an agenda and essentially trying to “sell”. I don’t mean just prospecting, but any kind of effort using digital communication to further a cause. There are some messages that don’t get read past the first three words, and others that truly advance a process. Here at Hobson, we have spent a great deal of time studying email, how it has evolved, and how it has remained the same. We pride ourselves on training our team on the best ways to USE and NOT USE email when selling.