Hobson Associates


Level Up Your Hiring in the New Year

Do new year resolutions work? That’s debatable. Yet admit it or not, everyone has some version of one: whether it is to get healthy, happy, or wealthy. Or just small changes.

On a business level- expanding your team, growing revenue, or just finding that “perfect” hire that has evaded you in 2023, the new calendar year is the time to do it.

FACT: January and February have been deemed the best time of the year to hire new staff and expand your company so it can thrive in the new year. “Hiring managers and leaders have a better idea of what they need and whether they can afford to hire new team members, which leads career advisors to consider these the top months for hiring.”

Here are 6 hiring resolutions you can achieve to level up 2024!


Why Soft Skills Are So Important

89% of recruiters say bad hires typically lack soft skills (LinkedIn, 2019)

What exactly are soft skills and how important are they? According to The Balance Careers:

“Soft skills relate to how you work. Soft skills include interpersonal (people) skills, communication skills, listening skills, time management, and empathy, among others. They are among the top skills employers seek in the candidates they hire, because soft skills are important for just about every job.>

Hiring managers typically look for job candidates with soft skills because they make someone more successful in the workplace. Someone can be excellent with technical, job-specific skills, but if they can't manage their time or work within a team, they may not be successful in the workplace.”


Why Your Hiring Process Needs to Include Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) have become  “buzzwords” these days. But they are here to stay... In fact D&I is so much more than just policies, programs, or headcounts. They can make your company a great place to work and thrive- and most importantly a place where candidates will want to join.

FACT: Equitable employers outpace their competitors by respecting the unique needs, perspectives, and potential of all their team members.

THE RESULT: Diverse and inclusive workplaces earn deeper trust and more commitment from their employees.

Check out what the folks at Great Place to Work had to say:


Riding the Hiring Wave for Summer Success

What will you be doing this summer?

Well, hiring managers, that depends on what you do this sales quarter. Your and your team’s actions NOW will determine whether Q3 will be a “summer’s dream” or if you will spend it catching up and trying to save the year.

As you may already know, the summer months tend to be slow for hiring, due to both distracted candidates and companies that have decisions-makers on vacation. So right now is the time to make up for any lag that may start setting in on June 21st.

Here are some tips to help you soak up the summer, all the while accelerating your business!


How Leaders Can Prepare for Their Employees’ Return to Office

Many business leaders are contemplating a full or partial return of their employees to the office post-pandemic. As they consider all the variables involved, they tend to categorize employees in two groups: those who are eager to return and those who are opposed. As executive recruiters, we work with clients and candidates who are experiencing either extreme, or somewhere in between…

The eventual return to the office, whatever that will look like in the future, can leave managers scrambling to figure out the best way possible to bring their team back into the office. Even when it comes to future hires, what is the best way to handle working in an office once again?

Here are some things that can make the translation smoother:

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