Hobson Associates


Is it Mortality, Prayer or Drive?

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking about how fragile we really are as humans. When we are really young, we are in such a hurry to grow up, that we don’t really appreciate who/where we are. I know it sounds cliché, but it certainly rings true to most everyone I speak with, especially once you hit your 40s, 50s and even 60s… For example: I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license and gain my independence, go to bars and dance clubs and legally drink, own a condo at 22, and finally start to make my own money and decisions…

Then one day, you wake up and realize wow, where has the time gone?  Where do I see myself in the next 30 or 40 years?  What will I look like? Where will I live? Will I get married? Hell, will I make it to see my kids graduate, get married, and/or have babies??? 

The older and wiser I become, everything and everyone in my life means so much more to me. My colleagues, my family, my friends- new and old. I am now using a new motto I like to call “Scared AF, but embracing every last moment! 


Let's Have a Few Words

There are words that have power and evoke an immediate reaction. Catastrophic, terminal and devastation are all words that command our attention, causing all else to fade into the background.

On the other hand, distraction is a word I would put right up there with “stuff”; in fact, if it had a color it would be beige. I recently heard myself give the excuse that I was “distracted” as a reason for not paying attention while doing some mundane task that I bungled. A few days later I was flipping through the TV channels as a diversion from a cruddy day at work, and came across the History Channel. The commentator, in a French accent, spoke of the grisly details of a torture method used centuries ago known as ‘distraction’- literally the pulling apart of someone by tying their arms and legs to horses who ran off in opposite directions. The word suddenly took on a whole new meaning, yielding the same power of catastrophic, terminal, and devastation. Nothing worse than literally being pulled apart. The color of this word, red.



Unless you are a tennis aficionado, you probably have never heard of Nick Kyrgios.

But you know him. You might have been him. Or maybe you manage him. Or God help you, maybe you are in a relationship with him.

Nick is a 21 year old freak of nature from Australia. Perhaps the most physically gifted athlete in tennis history. A long, lean frame (tennis players are now the size of NBA point guards), more quick twitch fiber than Verizon, a lively serving arm that fires 140 mph offerings and backs them up with a wristy, explosive forehand that leaves audiences gasping and broadcasters at a loss for words.


Guilt, Pie and Opportunities

This is the time of the year when many of us are getting ready for the Holidays. First up, Thanksgiving: A time to take stock of all that we have to be grateful for, before letting loose with the credit cards. We bow our heads in shame as our religious leaders remind us that a few of us will start our day trudging to the local watering hole to compete for drinking “water” with beasties, which can’t be said for most of the world’s population.  We feel a little guilty for taking some of the most basic things like food and shelter for granted.