Hobson Associates


Let's Have a Few Words

There are words that have power and evoke an immediate reaction. Catastrophic, terminal and devastation are all words that command our attention, causing all else to fade into the background.

On the other hand, distraction is a word I would put right up there with “stuff”; in fact, if it had a color it would be beige. I recently heard myself give the excuse that I was “distracted” as a reason for not paying attention while doing some mundane task that I bungled. A few days later I was flipping through the TV channels as a diversion from a cruddy day at work, and came across the History Channel. The commentator, in a French accent, spoke of the grisly details of a torture method used centuries ago known as ‘distraction’- literally the pulling apart of someone by tying their arms and legs to horses who ran off in opposite directions. The word suddenly took on a whole new meaning, yielding the same power of catastrophic, terminal, and devastation. Nothing worse than literally being pulled apart. The color of this word, red.


Phrases to Live by During Your next Job Search

After recently surviving my son’s college football recruiting decision, it occurred to me how many similarities exist between that recruiting process and what I do daily, advising my job recruits on opportunities. Keep in mind this round of college recruiting wasn’t my first rodeo: I have an older son who is also playing D1 Football, so you would think I was better equipped to navigate the waters this time around. The truth is that while you are in it, it is hard to see through the “razzle dazzle”. Having an outside advocate by your side is a great key to success. We were lucky to have had several, and both my boys ended up with great opportunities. Some others going through the process were not as lucky. 


What’s in a Fee? Me!

What is included in your fee?” …

This is a question I have been running up against lately from prospective clients. 

 …“I don’t know your company. Why should I work with you over the other million recruiting agencies out there?” 

Well, quite honestly it’s a matter of preference, I answer.  All recruitment agencies can find you talent, some get lucky at times, and we may even all fish in the same candidate pond. So what does make my fee different from the others?

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