Hobson Associates


VP of Global Sales Search

OUR CLIENT'S NEED: Our CEO bootstrapped the company taking no venture capital and growing profitably. After building to over 1,000 clients including 20 of the F-50 and a global staff of over 150 employees it was time for the next phase of growth. The CEO was ready to hand off more responsibility than ever and have a new global VP take over the management of 3 GMs and the teams underneath them.  This is the key Executive that would take the company the rest of the way.

SEARCH CHALLENGES: Without the deep pockets of venture funding to market their way forward and needing immediate results, the candidate had to know the cyber security and enterprise IT management market cold. The company prides itself on being selective, hiring only the top percentage of candidates and requiring a documented 5 years track record and video presentation pre-interview. This had to be a candidate that could travel the globe, so matching lifestyle was also important. Not difficult enough?... It also had to be a candidate who could commute to an East Coast office.    

OUR TALENT DELIVERY SOLUTION:  Since we know this market so well, we were able to quickly get the search out to the market. Laser focused, we presented 4 candidates. The candidate we placed was presented within an unbelievable 7 days. Here's why we loved the match and why our client agreed: 

  • He is an absolute rock star ! He has beat his number every year, in every company with just a few exceptions. He has managed teams all over the world as large as 1,400 people and over 1 billion in revenue.
  • No ramp up. He is currently in the security industry with a rolodex of contacts and talent all over the world.
  • He brings the bonus of having been a CEO and managed operations, delivery and services.
  • He has grown and successfully sold two companies, acquired companies and positioned to be acquired.
  • For bonus points- He lives 20 min from their office!

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