Change Your Mindset Before You Change Your Job!
During a recent Monday morning meeting, our firm’s owner, Danny Cahill, brought up the idea of mindfulness. He discussed that the practice of mindfulness can help refocus your thoughts and energy on the things you can control, and let go of the things you can’t.
I couldn't help think how much this relates to the candidates I speak with about new job opportunities. One of the top reasons people are open to making a job move is that they are “in need of a change”. What does “change” really mean? Is the answer a new job, or does it go beyond that?...
If you're unsure of the answer, now might be a good time to do some reflecting on where you are, where you want to be, and the areas of your life which you can directly improve, such as:
Changing up your daily routine
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
– Aristotle
a) Get to work earlier: I know, I know, this is a big one! That extra time will allow you to tackle work duties (uninterrupted,yay!),or simply have some quiet time at the office before things get chaotic.
b) Plan your day ahead of time: The recruiters here at Hobson Associates are trained from day one to carve out time each afternoon to reflect and plan for the next business day. Without a clear plan, chances are you'll waste a lot of time “figuring out” what to do next.
c) Step away from your desk!: Are you eating lunch at your desk? Or even worse, working through it?...While scheduled calls, project deadlines, or Mother Nature can sometimes make getting out of the office impossible, taking a walk or just stepping out of the office can clear the mind- and help you come back to your desk refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the day!
d) Try meditation (or your version of it): Meditating is also a great option to help refocus and get back to neutral. I know what you’re going to say, “there is NO WAY I can shut off my mind and just sit there like a Buddha statue!” Newsflash: you can meditate wherever you are--in your car (while parked!), sitting somewhere, or even better--you can do it while talking a walk! It really does not matter where you do it, it’s about calming your mind and shutting out your environment. TIP: There are a ton of meditation apps out there to guide beginners through their meditation journey.
Upgrading your diet
Having the right mindset can be affected by how we fuel our bodies. If we're not getting the right nutrients (such as vegetables, protein, vitamins, etc.), our overall health, mood, energy levels will suffer--as will our productivity at work! … Look, I get it, some diets are not for everyone, but it’s worth learning about the amazing benefits that some of them offer! TIP: Check out this list of great healthy-living websites, blogs and podcasts:
Keeping good company
The people you associate with can impact the state of your mental health- and that includes coworkers! Since many of us spend a large portion of our day at the office, it's super important to surround yourself with people that motivate you to succeed and don’t get in the way of your success. Positivity breeds more positivity. Choose to spend your valuable time with those who truly want the best for you and want you to succeed.
Reflecting on your current situation
There are of course situations that just aren’t good for you, no matter how “zen” and mindful your habits and thinking become.
If you change your mindset and are STILL dreading your work environment, chances are that myself or one of my colleagues have the perfect opportunity for you!