5 Things I’ve Learned Working at a Top Search Firm
Not too long ago I was a starving college student and intern, and today I work as a Business Development professional at one of the country’s top search firms--working to align our company’s value to the needs of companies who are looking for critical talent. How did I get there? Well, let’s just say it’s been one hell of a journey and I’m only getting started. Here are five lessons I’ve learned along the way...
Lesson #1: FIGURE IT OUT!
Easier said than done, right? Probably a little bit intimidating too. But after being in the executive search and recruiting industry for roughly three quarters of a year now – figuring it out is still an ongoing battle, but essential. I’m a big believer in trial and error, in fact, I’d say almost all my life lessons were through that model! You must ditch your comfort zone, and instead of being reactive, be proactive: you’ll never know where it’s going to lead you, and this may sound a bit dicey, but doing is better than doing nothing. And by doing nothing, you’ll never figure it out.
Sticky situations are inevitable. You will become stressed and frustrated – but when you begin to stroll down the road that is called adversity, playing cool can help dodge any potential meltdowns: take a deep breath, kill em’ with kindness, and measure any given situation. Redirect any and all situational sorrow, be aware of your emotions, the emotions of everyone involved, and make your next move using logic.
Aside from those who watch love-seeking TV programs like ‘The Bachelor’… who enjoys rejection?! Nobody! Yet, everyone, at some point in their life, has experienced some sort of criticism or rejection. I feel that the only times one truly fails, is if they didn’t learn something from their defeats. Failure, as bitter as it is, will give you the wisdom and willpower to develop as a professional and overall human.
TIP: You have got to ask yourself “what did I do to get rejected?”, and “what will I do differently next time?”
Lesson #4: BE YOURSELF!
If I had to describe myself in just two words, they’d be: Golden… Retriever. I simply want to make everybody happy! And as cheesy as it sounds, I want to be everyone’s best friend! If there’s anything I can do to make your life easier, I’ll be genuinely insulted if you don’t come to me! I stress this personality trait during every cold call, each business situation, and with all my friends and colleagues. Personality is what differentiates someone from their competitors in the business world. If there is a #1 trait one should emphasize the most, it is definitely TRUST. Honesty is the best policy – adding your own individuality to this ideology is super important! It allows business conversations to flow, or breathe, more easily, and allows potential clients to feel more comfortable with my unexpected call!
Lesson #5: HAVE FUN!
I’m lucky to work for a company and with people who truly live the “work hard, play hard” philosophy. We work our butts off to hit our goals, but we also like to blow off steam at the end of the day. Happy hours, birthday breakfasts, Holiday/Ugly Christmas Sweater lunches… shoot, Hobson even created a “Fun Committee” to plan team–building events for the staff.
Bottom line-if you take yourself too seriously all the time, you will burn out relatively quickly… and I’ve got way too much I want to achieve and accomplish!
As I approach my one year mark at Hobson Associates, and in my new career, I have learned to roll with it and take the good with the bad… and those, my friends, are this year’s lessons!