Hobson Associates


Hiring for the Generations (Boomers, X, Y, and Z)

Ever have those days when you feel lonely? No reason to. I recently read in an article by Tinypulse, that our current population includes 1.44 billion Gen Xers, 1.72 billion members of the Y generation, and a staggering 2.52 billion generation Z people… Chances are, you currently manage or have managed employees from each generation (look out, Gen Z is entering the workforce too). In order to have a successful organization and increase your profits, you must deal differently with each generation. Being a millennial (otherwise known as Gen Y) and a technology recruiter who talks to countless people of all ages and demographics, I have a bit of insight on the topic.


Help Your Recruiters Help YOU!

Attention Executives and Talent professionals: I’m going to give you an inside view of how search firms look at your business, manage your searches and ways to improve the results you’re getting from recruiters.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

The performance based (contingent) search world is a numbers game. We recruiters have to manage a large pipeline of searches to generate the revenue needed. We do this knowing, for various reasons, we won’t necessarily fill all the job searches we take.


Fantasy Football & Hiring- What Type of “Player” Are YOU?

According to Chicago-based employment research firm, Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Fantasy Football will cost US employers $17 Billion in lost productivity. So naturally, I started the first ever Hobson Fantasy Football league this year!…

…Last week 8 of us sat in the 'War Room' (our recently renovated Conference Room) agonizing over each pick we’d all spent hours (after 5PM of course) studying trends, and relying on ESPN Senior Fantasy Analyst Matthew Berry’s hot takes and advice!


The Dog Days of Sales

The “Dog Days of Summer” is a phrase we’re all used to hearing during the month of August.  They are the hottest, most uncomfortable part of the Northern summer, causing many people to be lazy, hazy and unfocused, leading to unproductivity.

There is a relatable analogy here with grinding out sales. Everyone has their days that they aren’t 100% percent laser focused. It just seems like during the months of July and August we can fall victim to that more often.