Hobson Associates

Sweeping Change

SweepingTo all my friends, coworkers and Partners in the recruiting industry:

I woke up Wednesday morning at 3:00 AM like many of you probably did, uncertain about our election. Shortly after that, it was announced that the decision of the American people was made. For good or bad, the United States has a Republican President, Senate and House of Representatives.

The new President has promised sweeping changes that will affect a broad spectrum of our lives. Change is always hard and often painful. For our business, it could also bring opportunity, as Donald Trump has promised to bring back jobs to America. If so, we can expect our clients to need talented candidates in all areas; infrastructure, energy, software, logistics, biotechnology and especially manufacturing.

I have mixed emotions because of this election. I am happy that the daily drama is done, at least for now. I can’t affect this decision and need to let it go. What I am happy about is that I can now do what I do best. Put my headset on, focus and work hard at finding my clients the best candidates I can. We are all excellent in this business and as history has shown us, change creates opportunity. This could be the best time for us since I started in this business twenty-five years ago. An old farmer I worked for as a teenager told me to ‘Make hay while the sun shines’… Let’s all do just that!