Hobson Associates

When is it Best to Step into Management

ManagementThe best time to step into management is when you have shown a proven track record in reaching goals, mentoring people and leading teams. When you step into management, make sure to have your leadership experience on your resume and that it is 90% career specific.

When one steps into management they are saying that they are an expert in the industry and that their experience reflects as such. An expert simply feels comfortable in mentoring and training people through leadership and accountability in reaching goals. Make sure you are comfortable and fluent with your current and future career goals.

Leadership Role Examples

  1. Lead Meetings & Projects
  2. Training : Training of employees you lead.
  3. Mentoring : People you invest time and energy in.

Companies want to hire someone that will give them the best return on their investment of time and resources. When interviewing for your first management position make sure you feel that you are an expert. Be willing to talk about how you have seen success in training and mentoring people. The outcome of effective training and mentoring is shown in the success of the person you mentor and the achievement of the team you lead.


During the Interview, present the examples when you are asked in a conversational way as to gain interest in your experience.

  1. “I mentored Jim and he has now been promoted to Junior Associate.”
  2. “I lead the project with 4 people on the team and the project finished ahead of  time & under budget. We exceeded the goal by 25%!
  3. “My time as the lead of the weekly operations meeting gave me the insight of how to lead and communicate in an organizational planning setting.”