Hobson Associates

The Naked Interview

Job InterviewNo, it’s not what you think. I’m talking about getting real, as in being your true self.  

For example, everyone says to “be yourself” during a job interview.  But what does that really mean?  How do you strike the right balance between being genuine and professional, while effectively articulating your ideas, beliefs, cultural fit, process, methodology, etc.?

I speak with many hiring authorities who tell me they prefer to hire candidates who are honest about who they are and where they are in their career.

Here are some ways to get real and get the job:  

  • Be transparent about the type of culture and environment you want to be a part of.  If the company you are interviewing for doesn’t share those ideas, you probably won’t be happy, and neither will your employer.

  • Know your resume and be able to articulate your accomplishments and job changes. Don’t spin your answers in an effort to downplay blemishes in your background.  Lack of authenticity will only hurt your credibility. Answer questions honestly and you will build credibility and gain the hiring manager’s trust.
  • Ask yourself questions like:  “What are my short term and long term goals?”, “What are the most important things I look for in a job?”, “What is the type of work I enjoy doing the most and least?”  “What have I learned from past jobs and experiences?”


  • If you are interested in the job, let the hiring authority know. Be open as to why you are excited about the job, what other opportunities you are looking at, and what your timeline is.
  • Role play to prepare for any unexpected curveballs. Get creative with your answers.  

So try the Naked Interview! "Undress" for Success!