Hobson Associates

Paralysis by Analysis

Paralysis by AnalysisI’ve been a successful recruiter and a partner at a prestigious firm for a long time, so while lots of things make me crazy about the business that I love, tops on the list would be when my client companies…well, OVERTHINK it!!! Here is how it happens, I find a “perfect” candidate for a position I am recruiting on.

They have all the qualifications for the job…I know it, the hiring authority knows it….yet they STILL can’t pull the trigger because they have convinced themselves they need to interview more people.

What does that mean exactly, anyway?? Why does the employer want to waste the next two weeks interviewing lesser fits? To make themselves feel better that they are doing their due diligence?  That sounds like a big waste of their time as well as the other candidates.  As a result, not only will said perfect candidate continue to interview with other companies, but they will also remain emotionally detached from the opportunity.  When the employer finally realizes that they’ve been wasting their time interviewing others, they’re going to have to do some heavy lifting in order to sign up my candidate.

In this market, we don’t have the luxury to waste quality candidates’ time. The unemployment rate has dipped below 6% for the first time since the “Great Recession” of 2008. Venture capital is flying out the door to start-ups…all of which need to hire quickly.  In Q2 this year alone, over $13 billion dollars were handed to Silicon Valley startups.  It’s time to step up and stop playing from behind the eight ball.  And remember-- it’s possible to fall in love on the first date. Listen to your instincts. Go with it!