Hobson Associates

PrEP Biopharm

Chief Financial Officer Search

Curing the Common Cold is easy, but this common stock stuff ?!...

OUR CLIENT'S NEED…This company is out to take down the common cold. And its incredible new compound could do just that, but they needed Talent, someone who knew how to handle the delicate balance between securing Angel Investment, Series A financing, and the R & D complexities of completing Phase 2 clinical trials. They had all the promising science in the world, and were attracting attention, but now they needed someone who could manage and implement the financial infrastructure so key to making it to market and staying there!

SEARCH CHALLENGES…Promising stories and “the next important medicine” are so common it becomes hard for prospective candidates to tell the Contenders from the Pretenders. They are skeptical and wary. It was our job to establish the trust necessary to allow our uber-talented candidates to really hear us out about our client’s unique value prop. Before anyone interviews, they first have to believe, and before they believe, they have to listen. Our four decades of documented success give them comfort, and comfort opens minds.

OUR TALENT DELIVERY SOLUTION…In the end, we found a candidate with a passion for scaling companies and unleashing potential. Raised Billions in financial commitments, took now household name companies from “a pretty sad looking home lab to IPO”, and created user friendly internal controls that allowed the company easy access to global growth. When we can match our candidate’s passion with a client’s purpose, we’ve done our job! And if we get a bit sentimental and gooey-eyed about our achievement, well, our client makes the fix!!

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