Hobson Associates

When was the moment…when you knew you had to leave your job?

Unhappy EmployeeWas your moment when you saw someone else’s paystub? When you found yourself listening to the radio in the parking lot because you couldn’t bring yourself to face another dreary day? Or was it sexy? Did you forward an email to the wrong person and the minute you hit “Send” you started typing your resignation letter?

Or was it just sad? Someone died at their desk and you thought, “that will be me someday!”

Share your stories with us on twitter and we will share them with our followers.

Responses : 

Tom – My moment was when I gave my retirement notice and my boss said, Are you sure you want to do this, cause most people that retire early die within two years

Antonia – The day a client threw me under the bus for a decision she had made that I had advised against.

Sher – The day they told me to pack my crap and get out! LOL…..

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