Hobson Associates

What’s Your Relationship Status?

Businessman talking on phoneNo, I’m not referring to Facebook…I’m talking about building stronger business relationships. I spend a lot of time nurturing the “right” client/candidate relationships. Here are some things to consider when building yours:

  • Ten Second Rule

If someone doesn’t like you within the first 10 seconds, you have 15 more seconds to change their mind. Now this may not be true in every scenario, but it shows how important it is to get the first “impression” right.

  • Prep

Check out their LinkedIn and other social media profiles. Know about your prospect and bring your commonalities into the conversation.  As an example, I recently found out one of my clients loves hockey.  I don’t know much about the sport, but I brought it up anyway because I knew I’d hit a sweet spot. Luckily all I had to do mostly was listen (thank goodness, because I’m no Wayne Gretzky!)

  • Leveling

Once we get past the first 25 seconds, it’s time to “level” the conversation. With a client/employer, they may start off talking about a problem, then the skills they need, then how senior of a person they need and then some ideas about budget.  But if they are still talking about their kids and you are talking about budget, you may have lost them.  The same thing is true with candidates.  If they are still telling you how great they are and you’re asking about salary requirements, you’re not on the same page.

  • Win/Win

Relationships by definition are two-sided. There is usually a benefit to both sides (unless you’re in a dysfunctional one.) Think in terms of what you can give that has value and what you want in return.  With clients, there is nothing more satisfying than to help them solve their problems and in turn getting paid to do your job. You both walk away happy and ready to play again. A win/win situation!

  • The 5 letter word

TRUST is the largest 5 letter word in the dictionary.  If we don’t work within the guidelines of truth, integrity and honor, we fall.  The pressure in the recruiting world is immense and it can be tempting to say or do whatever it takes to close a deal. But that doesn’t build trust. Repeat customers won’t work with those they don’t value and respect.

There are no shortcuts when it comes to building solid relationships. If you are trusted and liked, you will be referred and recommended-and that is a great way to do business!