Hobson Associates

My Completely Anecdotal, Totally Unscientific – Yet Completely True – CEO Hiring Survey Says:

Hiring Sales ExecutivesIn the last week, I polled some CEO’s I know and respect about their hiring preferences in Sales. Eavesdrop at your leisure.

“When it comes to hiring a Sales staff, what is most important?”

#1 “I’m not worried about where the next $10M is coming from, I’m worried about where the next 10 great people are coming from.”

#2 “My biggest concern is job-hoppers. People that can’t commit to their companies for more than 2 years at a time scare me. Show me people that truly want to grow within a company and have been at their current company for at least 5 years.”

#3 “When I hire sales people, I want to see their W2s. The rest is just conversation.”

Okay, so the sample size is small. But I’m a working headhunter! The Takeaway is this: If you are a revenue driver, CEO’s are thinking about you!