Hobson Associates

5 Things Candidates Say About You After the Interview

Job InterviewYou’re a hiring manager working with a search firm, your recruiter sets up an interview and right after the candidate calls them to tell them how it went… Ever wonder what job candidates say about you? The interview? How you positioned the opportunity?

Here are a few things we’ve heard:

  1. “I really liked Joe“, or some version of this. This is one of the first things candidates do or don’t mention and is proof of how important the ‘people’ factor is. We recruiters always say chemistry is 80% of every hire. So when we hear this, we know we’re working with a “connector” hiring manager. Someone who has conversations, not just interviews. These people know how to connect on a personal level and leave the candidate feeling like they have just spoken to someone they want to work for.
  2. He talked most of the time”. It’s amazing how many times candidates feel there was not an even exchange or ample time for them to ask questions and get deep answers. Sometimes hiring managers want to roll out so much info about the company and the role that they leave the candidates feeling steamrolled. SOLUTION: Use the time you have as a chance to get to know a person at a deep meaningful level and uncover if this person is a star.
  3. “She played it close to the vest” – Candidates love to receive concrete and honest feedback. Close to the vest is not great because it implies less than the whole truth. Sometimes it’s not being clear about the next step in the process, or a generic statement about talking to more candidates. SOLUTION: Try being very specific and straightforward about any concerns or areas the match might be in question. Also, have the next steps clearly defined before you start an interview.
  4. We didn’t talk about money” Detailed money conversations are left until late or way late in the process. I don’t know why, and the fact is, money is being discussed with us as recruiters along the way. It goes something like this…”We didn’t talk at all about money, but please let David know it’s going to take 140K for me to make the move “ or “We discussed money, but stock options are going to be very important to me”. SOLUTION: Go ahead and broach the money topic early to be sure you’re on the same page.
  5. “He gets it”. This feedback makes all of us recruiters smile. It says the candidate believes you have a great command of the business and empathy on the personal front. After all, candidates are judging your ability as a hiring manager to utilize their talent and maximize their opportunity.

So next time your interview, pay close attention to your style and how you come across to prospective employees. And remember that they’re “interviewing” you (and your company) as much as you are them!